Ramsay Leuchars
Hi, Im looking for a crew spot for the 2010 nationals in Scotland. Im a very experienced race crew sailing for 20+ years, my experience ranges from racing 1/4 ton 1/2 ton yachts, high performance dinghy’s and skiffs (RYA Advanced Dinghy Instructor), flying fifteens,Sports Boats (Hunter 707,Delphia 24,J80) to my current spot as Main sail trim aboard a Mumm 36 based on the firth of forth. Im very versatile and can work bow,Pit, upwind trim, down wind trim, main trim or helm. if anyone is looking for a spare body feel free to get in touch, either email me at djrams@hotmail.com or phone 07951 996 165. I am based in Fife, Scotland.
Ramsay Leuchars