mark homer
Just wondering if im missing anything
joined association – months ago , but have he haw since other than request to pay , which i allready had , do we get membership cards ??? , anything to prove membership ???,, welcome pack ???,, wee sticker ????????
free drink
Ive seen generous grants for travelling to events ,
mark homer
mine must still be in post
Catherine Hartley
Hello Mark
I have checked back through my records and your form and cheque were received and a membership form went out with a large batch on the 17th February.
I apologise if you did not receive and i will send again this weekend. We have some sonata posters and maybe a few stickers left. We are looking for more people to join the committee and encourage new members to help us promote this fantastic class. The committee has been working hard over the last 5 years and we welcome ideas all the time. Its not always an easy task and especially when peoples lives have become so busy but we try our best to help and will always answer queries when we can.
I hope that you will enjoy sailing your sonata on the Clyde – the class at Helensburgh has had a great resurgence and we wish them all the best.
Please let me know if i can help any further
Best wishes
Catherine Hartley
mark homer
Hi Catherine
stuff arrived at weekend , many thanks , to help the swell along on the clyde ive started a secret facebook group , west coast snottas , as banter on this site is pretty quiet , i would , will also recommend folks to chat here too , but they seem reluctant for whatever reasons , the fb site isnt excatly scintilating either but only been going two weeks , good thing is folks can put up photos , links etc , very easily .
hopefully things will improve .
anyone wanting to join west coast snottas(wcs) and sail on west coast in a snarter , drop me your e with boat name and club and ill invite you in .
Mark Taylor
I have paid my membership for 2013 (and also 2012 as I forgot last years!!) and just received from Catherinn Hartley a green slip showing that I am a 2013 member, all the boat details etc……..came in a plain brown envelope about 5 times the size of the green slip!
Regarding the free drink I am sure the rather nice Sonata custom and practice is that new association members attending their first class event, buy the existing members a drink. I will see you at Tarbert!!!