Lucy FP
I’ve read that Sonatas were originally configured with all lines coming back to the cockpit. Mine has since been modified to allow several controls to be operated from the foredeck & rail. I’m keen to race two-handed so would like to go back to the original layout. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a photo and/or description of this? Or of any other system that would be suitable for single/double-handed sailing?
Mark Taylor
Saraband is also set up with cleats for the kicker and Cunningham that can be used from the rail, plus the pole up haul is on a swivel cleat near the base of the mast. I often sail singlehanded and thought it would be an issue, but it isn’t……I just make sure I have long enough tails on all the ropes so they reach the cockpit.
I have also seen other boats where they have small eyes at the aft end of the coach roof that make sure the ropes are more securely located, but I haven’t felt a need to do that.
I would suggest you just get out there and sail your boat “as is” as that will work fine when singlehanded and better when fully crewed with people on the rail.
Lucy FP
That makes a lot of sense, thanks. My set up at the moment really doesn’t work short handed as the kite halyard cleats off high on the mast & the kicker on a swivel cleat just aft of the mast – however, it’s very good to know that it’s possible to do a set up that would work for crewed or solo.
Mark Taylor
Oops….forgot that the spinnaker halyard is the one rope I have on occasions led differently if by myself. I just take it out of the mast cleat and then straight down to a block at the foot of the mast, then back to the cockpit. Having said that, I don’t always do it as it is easy enough to get to the mast and flick it off.